Sunday, June 16, 2013

Father's Day Thoughts

“Whatever the parents are doing, 

the kids will follow suit.” 

- Bob Harper

I know every child psychologist that has ever lived has probably espoused this thought in one way or another, but Mr. Harper and all of those child psychologist are right.  For the last few years my wife and I have been working with our daughters on food choices and expanding their palates.  They fought this tooth and nail.  They could eat Mac and Cheese and bread and some more Mac and Cheese topped with a brownie and ice cream.  They knew this wasn't healthy, but it was what they wanted. New taste and textures were avoided and usually met with gagging and screwed faces.  We cajoled. We begged. We bribed. We fought. We reasoned.  New foods, better foods, less food, this was just not going happen. We had given up! Then about six months ago I embarked on this journey.  I didn't ask anyone to follow me on this journey, but they did.  My oldest daughter especially has stepped up and is trying new foods, making great portion choices and asking a lot of questions about what she should try next.  She still has a very picky palate, but she is trying.  All this not because of anything I said, but because of the example I am setting with my actions.  Bob Harper you have it correct. My child is following suit and this is the most powerful motivation of all. 



  1. I am so impressed! I have a life whim (can't call it a goal because I'm not doing anything about it) to eventually run a 5k. I can't even fathom a triathlon. I am so excited to watch your progress. It seems your blog might set an example for more people than your sweet girls.

  2. That's fantastic!! Dude, the Sappers are cheering you (and daughter #1*) on from Cincinnati :)

    *Wasn't sure about using her name online?
