Saturday, June 29, 2013

Weekly Check In - June 29th

Milestones:  I am now lost 50+ pounds!!!!!!  I made to through a meal at Mazzio's sub 500 calories.  Had a sub 17 minute mile split mile on one of my walks.

Realizations:  I have dropped two pants sizes since starting and I am a better swimmer than I thought I was.  Big THANK YOU to Colton Krause All Metro Swimmer of the Year for taking time out of his busy schedule to work with an old guy just getting started.  The drills are all ready working.  I really felt that workout this morning.


  1. Great job, Brian! You are an inspiration to us all. :o)

    1. Thank you for the kind words, but hearing that you are inspired pushes me harder.

  2. I'm impressed. So impressed I started walking on my treadmill. Only doing a mile a day at this point, but I'm an old lady lol. Hope to lose 50 by this time next year. Thanks for the encouragement.

    1. Thank you Rita! Glad you are working toward your goal!!!!
